Sustainability and CSR

Working with sustainability and CSR allow organizations to contribute positively to the environment and society. By implementing a number of sustainable practices and engaging in CSR initiatives, GSB Clinical believe that the organization and the employees are making a meaningful difference within our line of business.

Our focus is to avoid leaving a negative imprint on the areas where we do business. Our initiatives count as follows:

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel

GSB Clinical is certified according to Nordic Swan Ecolabel for printing. The label sets demand for continuous reduction of energy consumption and production waste. New targets are set annually. Targets and results are controlled by Ecolabelling Denmark who are responsible for the Nordic Scan Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel in Denmark.

Open official website

Green Energy

GSB Clinical has a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Ørsted which creates a relationship between GSB Clinical and one of Ørted’s green assets. The agreement covers that 100 % of our consumption can be traced back to a specific wind or solar farm and is evidenced with a certificate.

Open official website

ClimateCalc – Sustainability Reports

GSB Clinical is certified by ClimateCalc which is a tool to calculate climate footprint of all printed products.

The ClimateCalc tool allow us to publish sustainability reports and calculate customers’ climate footprint in each printing job which we also can share on request.

Open official website

FSC mark by Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an international, non-governmental organization dedicated to promote responsible management of the world’s forests.

GSB Clinical is FSC certified. FSC® is the most trusted mark for responsible forestry. All the paper products we use for printing at GSB Clinical are made of responsibly sourced wood fiber. By choosing FSC certified paper for printing materials you are helping forests and the people that rely on them.

Open official website

Graphic technology

In order to maintain a high process quality GSB Clinical has implemented ISO 12647-2:2013; Process control for production of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints.

Open official website

Graphic CSR Code

GSB Clinical comply with the Graphic CSR code prepared by GRAKOM (a trade and employer’s association covering the main part of the Danish graphic sector) and HK (one of the largest trade union federations in Denmark with more than 300,000 members. HK/Privat represents employees working within the graphic sector).

The graphic CSR code will help define the framework for a standard and practice concerning social responsibility for the production of graphic products and services in both Denmark and abroad.

The graphic CSR code is based on the UN Global Compact’s ten principles on human rights, labour rights, sustainability and anti-corruption.

Open CSR Manifest